Staying fit has kept me young. People say that they think I am 10 years younger than what I actually am.
Staying fit keeps me young both mentally and physically . It allows me to do fun activities and meet good people that also want to be in shape.
Why get fit? When we stop trying to be fit and live life, we give up and die. People use many excuses to be lazy - work, children, relationships etc. It is much easier to make and excuse not to exercise than to make the time to do it.. There are many groups where I live that exercise together - walking or jogging, cycling, mountain biking and hiking are a few activities that I enjoy doing.
I live in one of the best places in Canada, the west coast of British Columbia. I will continue to explore, stay fit and see more of natures beauty.
- Getting fit is not only healthy, but it make you a better person both inside and out.